Call Out Kenya (C.O.K) is a news and entertainment website that seeks to report everything that’s newsworthy, hence our slogan, “Everything Newsworthy”.
From politics to business and even entertainment news, our aim is to provide on-time, accurate and well-sourced news updates to our audience.
What we Are
- A No B*s news site. All our stories are written by vetted authors before passing through our editors’ desk.
- A Reliable News source. Our stories are on time, and deliberate.
- A Trustworthy agency. Take advantage of our detailed reports, reviews and info-graphics to improve your understanding of pertinent issues.
- Your go-to source of political, entertainment and sports news. We tell it as it is, after all, we are Call Out Kenya!
What we’re Not
- We’re not spammers. And we won’t flood your email with those annoying promotional emails.
- We don’t solicit for cash. We won’t ask for donations or tips. But for business, you can reach out through the contact us page.
- We’re not boring! 🙂 LOL