Elsa Majimbo Claims Kenyans Are Bullies

Elsa Majimbo Claims Kenyans Are Bullies

Comedian Elsa Majimbo has spoken out about facing bullying in Kenya. 

In an interview with a Dubai-based vlogger Anas Bukhash, Majimbo claims to have experienced bullying starting from when she was in high school.

Kenyans Are Bullies

I have faced a lot of bullying in Nairobi and when I say bullying people only think about the internet, but it has been my whole life … 

But when I got to the internet it became as worse as it was in high school. I would mind my own business and sit inside the house in Nairobi. When I left for South Africa in February, I left and never went back to Kenya.

She added that she is currently looking for a place to settle and when her sister suggested Nairobi, she declined.

I will go back to South Africa where I know I have a home. South Africans supported and defended me from Kenyan bullies. Kenya is not that place (to call home). It is tough but life is tough”

Kenyans Unamused

The comments would, of course, get the attention of Kenyans online, many of whom were not amused. 






Some believe Elsa is defaming Kenyans for clout. 


Others made light of the conversation.

The comedian-turned-influencer rose to fame in 2020 at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic through her comedy skits. Though her content was well received by her South African audience, reception from her Kenyan audience was largely lukewarm.

It will be interesting to see how Kenyans and South Africans alike react to her latest comments. 

Do you think she is right that indeed Kenyans are bullies, both online and offline? Did she portray Kenyans in bad light? Will her comments spark a Kenya vs South Africa tweef? 

Let us know in the comments and keep it C.O.K for more updates.


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